Saturday, May 06, 2006

Sat 15.4.06, High Tea @ The Intercontinental

We had a girls day out today at the Intercontinental for HighTea.
Highly recommended, service was great and buffet was well stocked and maintained. I loved how they served champagne with your tea!!! The girls loved getting dressed up, but the highlight for them was riding up and down in the old wire cage lift. Greg took Ben down to Collaroy beach for his special day out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Hi Aunty Jenny!!!

    The Intercontinental High Tea sounds like a lot of fun. It sounds so ...'Posh' and formal. When I am all grown up can I go to one with you??? It will be like a more grown up version of when we used to go shopping and have Iced Chocolate drinks....*sigh*...yum! Well this is just the first comment of I'll see you later. Bye!!!
    Love Sarah


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