Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dancing, snakes, a new car and school holidays

We got the new car last night! It is great, drives wonderfully and feels very safe. We went for a quick drive last night, the kids are so tired so we didn't go for too long. Thank goodness school holidays start next week. It has been a 11 week term and the girls are so exhausted. We are not going away, GJ still has to work. We are going to organize some play dates with the girl's friends and have a lazy 2 weeks.
Here is the snake skin we found by the front door a month ago, probably a carpet snake. Gj is nearly 6'2", so it was a big snake. The one that we found in the house in January (ALIVE!!!) was only about 5' long and was a green snake. Words cannot explain how I feel about snakes, I will leave the horror of it all to your imagination.......The bottom photo shows were we found the skin near the front door.
Here is Georgia yesterday, Her class did a dance presentation of their terms cultural focus, native dance. The girls performed a Hawaiian hula dance and the boys did a German slap dance followed by morning tea of German sausages and coconuts.

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