Friday, July 28, 2006

The Blogs I read

I have a rapidly growing list of blogs that I try and read at least once a week. After MANY hours of stumbling around the internet I have discovered a way to list them on my site. I can’t work out how to give my list a heading/title but heh; I managed to get it up…LOL
I first discovered “Technorati” and joined up and manually typed in all my favorites (I am sure that there could be an easier way- but I never found it!), but no matter how hard I tried and researched I couldn’t get it to list on my Blog.
Next I found Bloggroll and again manually typed in all my favorites…..I HATE TYPING…and this time got it to work.
I have absolutely no understanding what-so-ever of Html but I am very proud of myself.

It is a very eclectic list, I love reading

· aMY oMY, is a such lovely person
· Dooce, Heather is ,well, just Dooce
· Baggas, I don’t know why I like Pauls blog, I just do
· Laurell, I love her books, she is very different
· Cancer,baby, this is the sad account of Jessica life
· Amazing triplets, how does she cope
· Antique Mommy, wonderful writing
· My Weblog, Brandi takes the most amazing photos
· Sweet Alyssa, gorgeous baby
· Motherhood Uncensored, I would love to meet Kristen
· Suburban bliss, Melissa is great fun to read
· Into Australia, Leslie is a Texan mum recently posted to Sydney
· Gina in China, another lovely mommyblogger living in China
· And a new addition, The Cheerful Oncologist, a very clever writer.
· And all the others in my links….

If you know of any others that you think I might like please let me know

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenny, found you through following the tour of homes thing, just thought I'd mention for following a list of blogs, once you sign up (free) you can add a link 'sub with bloglines' to your toolbar then when you find an interesting blog just hit the 'sub' link and it automatically adds to your bloglines feed - to read all the blogs you've subscribed to you have to go to the bloglines site, open the 'my feeds' and all the latest blog entries are listed
    I'm not connected with them, just a happy user - anything for an easy life LOL


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!