Monday, July 24, 2006

Target Toy Sale

Target Toy Sale

It has finally started, yeah…..
Ben was booked into an extra day of kindy and I have done it !!!!!
As usual it was VERY VERY CROWDED, but extremely well organized. There were heaps of staff members and all were very cheerful and helpful and all carried bum bags with raincheck slips that they filled out on the spot. I have learnt from previous years that there is never enough trolleys and if you do get one it is too hard to maneuver through the crowds, (If you park it in a corner and keep adding to it expect someone else to help themselves to the contents) so I had a huge sack like bag that I could swing over my shoulder and fill to the brim….
I won’t list what I got as 2 little snoopy girls like to look at this site, but I got everything on my list and a few more x 100.
Birthday and the other occasion are all done for the 3 kids.

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