Sunday, July 09, 2006

Two out of three ain't bad

Happy messages to Fi in England

De, Ben and I

L to R Georgia, Chloe, Chelsea and Abbey. Ben at front.

Afternoon tea witth Ben and Abbey.

Both are 2⅔ years old (Abbey is 3 days older than Ben)

The Godparent gathering

We had a great time last night and continued the tradition of drinking a whole bottle of Baileys, plus Bubbles and Red wine.

I put the kids to bed for an afternoon nap and De and I headed out to the shopping center. It was sale time and we got some great things to put away for birthdays. The aim was to get to the Kmart toy sale, but we got a little sidetracked and never made it LOL

We got home just as it was getting dark, in time for drinks and nibbles.…

It was funny to see the guys watching the game on a tiny little TV dwarfed inside the entertainment unit.

The kids had a ball playing with each other; Abbey and Ben were so cute together. After a dinner of their all time favorite, Spaghetti Bolognese it was off to my bed for the Nanny McFee DVD.

Sometime after the adults dinner we decided to start text messaging our friend Fi in England, little notes with photos of us holding them up. I hope she liked them at 3.30am her time.
Fi is the kids other Godparent. We have decided to keep it simple and have the same 3 wonderful people as godparents for all 3 of our kids. We also have them as co-executors and guardians in case anything ever happens to us. I remember a lot of laughing last night....... Ben was very good to his tired Mummy, He woke at 5am and climbed into our bed and went straight back to sleep until 8am-a huge sleep in for us !!!!! I did cheat a little, I take a coolerbag with a bottle and a ice pack to bed with me for him so I don't have to get up.

De and I started school together in year one (we would of been5 years old) in Sydney many years ago. We met Fi when we started high school. We went to the all girls "..... Ladies College" and we have been friends ever since. De and I manage to mirror changes in our lives with out trying. We both told each other we were pregnant on the same day, we had our wedding receptions at the same place ( well hers was SOOOO good I copied LOL) and both chose Easter to marry ( 2 years apart) We both moved to QLD, and moved homes at the same time. Fi has been in England for a year now. She is traveling the world and working way too hard.....I am so proud of her, I call her my most successful friend. I can't visualize her as the top international director that she is, to me she is just Fi, my friend. I like that the 4 of us; GJ, De, Rob and I, want nothing from Fi other than her friendship.

We miss you Fi.....and can't wait to visit you!!!

This morning De and I waded through all the junk mail. I love junk mail; I can't understand why people complain about it. Unfortunately, living in an acreage estate means we don't get much. Rob has worked out a great system; he collects all his and puts it straight into his car and then once a week I get a huge pile. A win-win situation!!

GJ has opened up the dropped TV to see if it repairable, theCircuit board and the casing are cracked and snapped through. Chelsea doesn't know what to think about her punishment though. She hasn't lost any privileges, and there were no smacks, BUT the money that we would of spent on her Birthday and X.....pressies is to be spent on a new TV. I think it is a little harsh, but we have to have a united parenting front. Luckily October is a while off and GJ'ss hard line approach could soften by then. I won't be able to deny my little naughty darling pressies.


  1. Anonymous3:47 pm

    if i was chelsea i think i would prefer a few smacks on the bottom then lossing all my pressies lol hopefully uncly greg will soften his punishment by october .
    love lots jeremy xoxo

  2. Anonymous6:52 pm


    This is Fi……

    Glad you have recovered.

    Firstly yes I read your blog (the photo you sent me via email when you were PISSED had the wrong blog address so I couldn’t access till this morning). Jenny – no more babies………….you can’t be bloddy serious and I thought you had given that one away.

    Didn’t get any of the text messages you referer to either.

    Am in Switz with D. at present. Came over for work .

    on Thurs and heading down here Fri – back this afternoon.

    Loved the blog and we both found it highly amusing.


  3. Hi mum it's Georgie

  4. your children are adorable! Thanks for posting on my blog. When are you moving to china and why? are you nervous? email me if you have any questions.. I live in shanghai and would love to meet you when you come!


  5. Anonymous6:49 pm

    hi this is mandy - it was wonderful to see how the children have grown - you must be so proud - i think of you often and wonder how your life is going - i look forward to reading more


  6. Anonymous8:25 pm

    GJ here, if you think the hard line will soften over time your dreaming..........Jen

  7. First let me say, thanks for visiting my blog! I had to laugh at your latest comment on it about the pictures because I have been told that before!

    I will bookmark you (if you don't mind) because it is nice to read others' blogs. And you seem like such a genuine friend that it is only appropriate that I read blogs of good people!

    Take care,


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