Thursday, July 06, 2006

Under the Hedge

Old section + new section = soon to be Robbies wonderful new homeMain Bathroom
Kids testing out the new deck
Afternoon delight!!! Rob (on left) and GJ
Gorgeous Benny-Boy
Chelsea doing a chipmunk impersonation
essential ingredients, chips, tissues and bubbles

Gorgeous Georgia

We have started the social part of the school holidays. Last week was vegout week-give the kidÂ’s time to recharge their batteries, ready for this week. We started the week off with afternoon drinks on RobbieÂ’s new deck. The renovations are progressing well.

Monday was shopping, the kids hated that.

Georgia had a friend over to play on Tue, and it was off to the movies to see Over the Hedge on Wednesday with another school friend.

Thursday was the dentist, the kids were excellent, and we even had Ben in the chair and 80% of his teeth polished before his mouth clamped shut. GeorgiaÂ’s teeth were perfect; Chelsea has two little shadows that Dr Emily wants to fix before they become a problem. I think I am going to have to go back to cleaning her teeth for her as the dentist feels that she is not cleaning right at the back.

Over the Hedge was a great movie, I think it was better than Cars, so did the girls. As the girls were very good this week, I bought them Nanny McFee on DVD. We watched it this afternoon, it was wonderful!!! It works out half the price to by the DVD than it does going to the movies, and you get to watch it again and again.

Friday is afternoon tea at another school friendÂ’s house.

Deanne is coming for the weekend with her girls Chloe (nearly 14) and Abbey( 3 days older than Ben, also a whopper-9lb 2oz). We are having a practice session on putting up our new tents. Rob is also coming to help De and I drink a bottle of Baileys.

Last time we all had a get together, we decided to go to bed as usual at 9.30 ( a late night for us) but as it was so hot we (De and I), thought that would have quick swim to cool off before going to bed. Floating around was so good and when Rob offered to bring us down a drink, we thought Why Not! By at midnight the entire bottle of Baileys and a bucket of ice was gone and the three off us had just about cooled off. I donÂ’t now how I did it and got up early the next day. I love my Champagne, but I canÂ’t drink more than 3-4 glasses or I fall over, I canÂ’t handle any spirits and beer makes me instantly tipsy. GJ thinks that it is a bonus as I am a cheap date!

We have to make some posters tomorrow, as the kids 3rd Godparent wonÂ’t be able to make this get-to-gether. Fi is working in London for the next 2-3 years. We will need some great photos of us holding up messages for her, to stop her feeling left out.

Screaming kids in background, must finish up for now.......

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