Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Georgia's party re-run

Georgia was very disappointed to find that she had slept through the cake and candle extravaganza on Sunday, so we decided to hold a repeat performance on Monday night while GJ was at UNI. Everyone had at least 3 goes at blowing out the candles. The cake tasted even better after a night in the fridge (and a huge dose of kiddy spit!).

Here she is on Tuesday morning ready for school. We have got the full braiding of the hair on at the moment as nits are going around the school AGAIN.....and my girls have a beacon in their hair flashing a huge welcome sign to all nits in the vicinity. Read my post here (in the comments section) about how Chelsea wanted to keep one of her's as a pet.......
I am the person that the other moms come to for advise on nits as I have perfected the system down to a T. We have been lice free this whole year....touch wood......
I think I will have to do a post on "Jens top 10 nit tricks" soon.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, and she's even more adorable AWAKE!!! I hope that she is feeling 100% better! :)


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