Thursday, September 14, 2006

Idyllic studying

GJ has a lot on his plate at the moment. He is 4 subjects off finishing his Degree in Business Management at Queensland University of Technology (QUT); he is studying Mandarin at University of Queensland 2 nights a week and we have a tutor for 1 hour on Saturdays in Mandarin; as well as completing an assignment for the company training/management conference in Singapore. He also works long hours as the Queensland state manager.
We, as the other members of the family, only cut him a little slack, he still has to participate fully in family life. It sounds cruel and selfish, but the kids grow up so quickly and I don't want him to miss a second. Luckily, most of the time he agrees with me. GJ is a wonderful Father, fully involved in all aspects of parenting. He was holed up in the office last weekend while the kids had a rest and I kicked him out so I could get on my computer and look where he ended up.

If you have to study, what a wonderful spot to do it in!!


  1. 你好? Wish you have a nice journey to China! Have fun with Chinese(words) Cheers :)

  2. Oh my, he looks like he's on an exotic vacation! I'm officially jealous of your backporch!

  3. Very nice office out there. Too bad he has so much to get done.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!