Sunday, September 10, 2006

Needles, Mandarin and voting.

We had a very busy Saturday (and PAINFUL!!!!!)
We have had our vaccinations for our up coming trip.
We were having a family competition in the car on Friday afternoon to see who could guess the cost of the medicines. I chose $485, GJ $255, Georgia $360 and Chelsea $460.
Well I was the closest......$530
We have stressed out our poor Doctor. Dr Craig is fairly new to this family practice and doesn't know us that well as yet. He had all these different medicines and 3 kids running around who could of let loose with the screams of demons, and he had to keep it all in order.
We all survived and there was NOT ONE TEAR from any one!
I had lolly bags for all participants, even Dr Craig got one.
Ben's Hep A didn't arrive in time, so he will be back for a shot during the week. Chelsea and Ben had some Hep B included with there baby immunization, so they will miss out on the 1 month follow up round of injections.
We have decided against the Rabies shots. It would cost over $1000 to do the whole family and would only last for 3 years. The risk is not great enough to warrant the cost. We are so lucky that Australia has NO rabies.
After this we voted in the state election and were home by 9.30am.
Dani came for our Mandarin lesson at 11am, GJ is doing so well, he is reading Chinese characters and understanding most conversations Dani is having with us. I am not doing so well, I have decided not to learn how to read and write characters. I managed to count to 10- for some reason I have had a major mental block on numbers. I am learning simple sentences and words quite well.

My arm is So sore, I had 3 shots, and the arm that had 2 needles feels like I have been punched by a very strong fist. Chelsea's leg is sore as well. She wanted me to get the pram to push her around in.

We are off to GJ's sisters house for lunch on Sunday. My gorgeous niece Sarah, is turning sweet sixteen. I am going to do a photo shoot with all the grandkids together.

Isn't this word cloud great !
I got the idea form Michelles Blog and you can do your own here. Its free!

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I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!