Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Singapore, 27.09.06

We have had a great day today. After a lovely continental breakfast, during which all the ladies present came and stoked Ben’s arms and cheeks, we went to the Singapore Science Centre. We caught the MRT, the local train network. The kids thought that the train ride was fantastic. It was so clean and organised. The train ride lasted about 35 minutes and we sped past thousands of apartment complexes and lush green tropical scenery.
Singapore is as clean as everybody says. I could definitely live here; everybody is as friendly as can be.
The Singapore Science centre is full of interactive exhibits which got the kids into a frenzy of button pressing.. There is a huge water park section with fountains and spouts etc, which I will take the kids back to while GJ is on conference. A highlight of the day was the Tesla Coil lightening arc show; very loud and exciting.
While we were out for dinner last night we saw our first “sight”; a lady in the main street in a masculine pose with no underwear. Luckily I distracted the kids in time!
Georgia was pleased that we had dinner a restaurant that served Bruschetta, a favorite of hers (grilled Turkish bread topped with fresh chopped tomato and basil). Today Georgie has starved; she accidentally poured chili sauce over her hot dog instead of tomato sauce.
I have noticed that Singapore is definitely an afternoon and night city. In Brisbane the majority of the population believes in an early start, so the crowds ease in the late afternoon. We are used to getting up early and doing everything so it was a surprise that we almost had the centre to ourselves this morning. We arrived at opening time of 10am, and as we were leaving at about 3pm it was starting to get really busy.
The weather was really pleasant today, a mist/low cloud over the sky was keeping the direct sunlight off us. It was hot and humid, but not unpleasant at all.
Blogger is still not letting me upload photos, will try again tomorrow..


  1. Your life sounds so wonderfully exciting! World travels! Living in far away countries!

    Me? I'm at my boring old desk eating my boring old lunchables preparing a boring old powerpoint presentation. Boo.

  2. It looks and sounds like you're all having a wonderful time!! I can't imagine the sights and smells and sounds that you're getting to experience. Thanks for sharing...


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