Monday, October 09, 2006

Bogor Botanical Gardens

Our new house in Jakarta....
Only joking, this is the front gate at Bogor Botanical Gardens.

The Police/Security were fascinated with the kids and wanted photos with them.

These are more of my dream home........

This was an open room surrounded by all the columns. It would be a beautiful place for a wedding.

This was in the orchid house, it had misting outlets all through and was lovely and cool and lush.

Ben was trying to catch the mist.

The cafe at the gardens had this little setting for kids.

Here is the volcano we saw from the cafe. It is hidden by the smoke and mist and only occasionally we could catch glances off it.

This photo doesn't do this tree any justice. The tree was a mix of light and dark and looked like an oil painting

1 comment:

  1. I like that tree. It's all lines. They are still vivid in the picture, but you are right, they are probably more striking in person.


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