Sunday, October 22, 2006

Crocs rule

About 4 months ago I started to see references to these really ugly shoes that were supposed to be supremely comfortable. After a while I looked their web site up and thought I will give them a try-until I saw the price, about AU$55 ( approx $42US corrected- I converted the wrong way originally) and thought no way.
I keep on hearing how good they are and were ready to fork out the money when Target brought in the cheap copies.
They are as good as everyone said! Now I am wondering, if my cheap knock offs are this good, how much better would the real things be?
These clogs actually stay on your feet with out you having to do shrunchie things with your toes and sole. They are very cushioned and feel great 10 hours after you first put them on. If only they weren't so ugly!


  1. I have some blue ones =) I love them, they are perfect for the summer time.

  2. EVERYone has those. LOL

  3. I have these, too - bought the knockoffs, however. Mr. Right whined long enough that I finally picked up a pair for him yesterday, in fact -- naturally the knock offs don't come in his size, so he got the REAL THING. I spoil him, I know! ;o)


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