Thursday, October 12, 2006

Jakarta security concerns

I am slowly researching security in Jakarta in response to questions of why we would need guards etc. I realized that I only had a perception of why it is necessary, but no hard facts so I have started to scroll through internet while the kids nap. It is scary, one quote
"From 1997-2002, Indonesian has had experienced 90
incidences of terrorist bombs"
Indonesia has had a major change since the riots 1998 and the demise of President Suharto.
Jemaah Islamiyah, the group linked to Al Qaeda is also present and active in Indonesia. The terrorist bombs have been aimed at Western targets. I don't want to write about something so serious, unless I understand it a bit better.
I also don't write about things like this usually, I am a funny and fluffy style of blog.

I am visiting numerous blogs as well to get a feel of the situation as well; more on this when I get my head around it

1 comment:

I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!