Sunday, October 22, 2006

Party time

I have had a wonderful, busy week. And, as expected, after a break from blogging I do not know where to begin. I am going to throw structure and continuity out the window and write what ever pops into my head.
We had the best party yesterday. Seven of the people present had a birthday in October. The weather was great and just as we finished all the cakes, a big thunder and rain storm came through and forced us inside.
The Birthday people were
  • Georgia 8yrs old
  • Chelsea 6yrs old
  • Benjamin 3yrs old
  • Jeremy 14yrs old
  • Chloe 14 yrs old
  • Abbey 3 yrs old
  • GJ over the hill
There was piles of wrapping paper everywhere and kids rummaging through, all with huge smiles on their faces.

We were wrapping all the kids presents late last Saturday night, in preparation for Ben's Birthday on Sunday the 15th and suddenly we decided that it wouldn't be nice for Chelsea to have to watch the other two get all their presents and have to wait 10 days for hers. So we made the next morning a communal present day! Chelsea was most impressed!!!!! We still do cakes and favourite dinners on the actual birthday, but it was fun to have everyone open their pressies together, it was like having a second Christmas. That is the great benefit of having every ones birthday fall in October!

I took mum to the airport this morning for her flight home, we are having our first quiet day in nearly a month....BLISS.....


  1. Looks like tons of fun. You sure have a lot of birthdays at one time.

  2. I hear you about not wanting to make Chelsea watch all the present fun -- I often will buy small presents for everyone who attends Halfpint's birthday parties for that same reason. At their age, it just seems unfair & mean to hog all the present fun!


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