Sunday, October 01, 2006

Singapore, Sunday 1st October

Sunday 1.10.2006, Singapore

Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month…..LOL
The girls can never remember in time to get me first, no matter how much they try.
Party month has started!!!!!

GJ has started his conference this afternoon, well I think 5-10 min of talking and 5-6 hours of drinks and formal dinner….The poor thing is not in the mood, he is still getting over the flu and is now limping with gout…..

The kids are all exhausted so they are having a quite day. As they are missing a week of school they have to complete a journal of their adventure and present it to the class. So today is journaling, postcard writing and cable TV… I am doubly please that we don’t have cable at home; all 4 of them love it and would sit in front of it all day if I let them!

I escaped early and had a great time wandering along Orchard road by myself and a million other people. I am having a delightful mix of Japanese and Thai cuisine tonight, and for a change the kids are having…Pizza. The irony is that GJ will be having a magnificent feast tonight and still doesn’t feel like eating much…..GJ doesn’t drink either and I am sure that there will be lots of nice champagne on ice…..

After GJ left this afternoon I put all the kids in bed for afternoon nap. All 3 were asleep in less than 2 minutes. They were so cute asleep in our HUGE bed I couldn’t resist taking a photo. I snuck out to the hotels gym for a quick 40 minute work out (Georgia knew I where I was). I had the place to myself until 2 young children arrived unsupervised………Now that I have been, I have realised I was missing it, shopping is not the same as an elliptical trainer! I wonder when all the gym work will make 10kg (22lb) disappear?

I have decided to book the kids and I on an organised bus tour tomorrow. I think it will be easier than choosing venues and relying on taxis by my self with 3 kids!

I have found a great dinner venue for a return visit to Singapore. The cable cars over to Sentosa Island have a dinner option. There is a set menu and your just criss cross the harbor while you have dinner! I hope it is as fun as it sounds.

Only 4 more days until Jakarta……


  1. You have worn them out!! It sounds like ya'll are having a fabulous time!! Thanks for keeping us updated.

  2. I love the picture ... LOVE it!


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