Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Our First Halloween

Halloween is not a big thing in Australia. We have never had any one trick or treat us. Due to, I suppose the TV and Internet, Australians are all becoming more aware of it.
As GJ was away last night we decided to have a little Halloween party, just the four of us. We made a tablecloth and some covers for tea light candles. We had party lights over the table and pumpkin soup for dinner. Georgia was an evil witch, Chelsea was a good fairy, Ben was going to be Bob the Builder but ended up as a singer from the Village People. I was Doris Day, or Sandra Dee from Grease. Poor little Chelsea had trouble going to sleep as she was scared about witches!
If we do move, I hope we live near a community that does celebrate Halloween as we would love to experience a full blown" Happy Halloween".

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:58 am

    Cute :-)

    You'll need to come to the States for a Halloween holiday.


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