Sunday, November 26, 2006

Real estate photos of our home.

I had to go to extraordinary measures to get these photos. It is what you don't see that is the most interesting thing. I have shifted boxes, packing things, mess, toys etc to just outside the frame of the photo. I laugh when I see these photos as it makes my home look so glamours and tidy, yet we all know that it is not really like this. Ours is a lived in well family home with mess everywhere. One of the nicest things someone once told me was that my home looked well loved and you could relax in it. At first B.... thought she might of insulted me but I took it as a real compliment. I want people to come and feel comfortable enough to slouch down in the chairs and relax; and maybe even put up there feet on the coffee table.

Every one told us we were mad to paint such a big wall dark green, but we insisted and are so happy we did. We loved it so much we painted our bedroom this colour, and it looks just as good!
This kitchen has not looked like this since the day we moved in. It is a very functional, big kitchen that is the most horrible shade of blue/grey. I would love to be able to afford to replace it, I will have to buy a lottery ticket!
Unfortunately the pool doesn't look this good at the moment. This photo is about 2 years old and the drought has really taken its toll on the garden. It is not nearly as thick and lush as this photo shows.


  1. Anonymous5:23 pm

    Your house looks FANTASTIC,THE green wall looks great.Looks like you had a GREAT PAINTER do this for you........

  2. So beautiful and light and airy. I love it. the dark green works with so many windows.

  3. It is beautiful!!!!!


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