Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thusday 23rd November 2006

We have been planning a night out for this Friday night for a few weeks. GJ had an annual awards ball, which he, as Queensland manager of a sponsoring company had to attend. I have been searching for a miracle dress for the last few weeks; a dress that makes me look slim and gorgeous and is really cheap – i.e. a miracle dress!!!!
We have just found out that the underling that had to book all the tickets forgot to get us tickets and the event is sold out.
We are not overly disappointed (I did not find a miracle dress) about the dinner; But we have arranged for the kids to be looked after and now this is in disarrays. As we so rarely go out at night with out the kids we usually ask the children’s godfather, Robbie to look after them. Rob has his works Christmas drinks on this night and has arranged to take the kids along. It is a family night at his boss’s house and their kids are similar age to ours so it would have been exciting for the kids. The girls have packed their favorite swimmers and after the party were going to put Robbie’s Christmas decorations up for him at his home.
Robbie pretends to not know about Christmas decorations so the kids have the fun of putting up everything for him. Of course I go and buy the tackiest, over the top decorations and help the kids go way overboard. The girls are very interested in Nativity scenes this year, the concept of baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph is very important for them and I will have to get some for Robbie’s house.
The plan for the night was for the kids to meet up with Rob and have a swim and party time at N… and L…’s home and then walk back to Rob’s house and wait for us. The girls have got to that certain age where they have informed me that they and Ben won’t go to sleep in Robbie’s bed until we return as they might get “boy germs”.
The kids are so excited about going to a party without us and spending time with Uncle Robbie. They have even decided to call him “daddy“as they walk in to embarrass him, and pretend to ask him when he is coming home!!!!
(These girls have limited TV time, with approved programs only, and extremely limited access to the computer, how do they know these things?)
So in order to prevent major disappointment, GJ and I will still drop off the 3 kids and we will go out to a restaurant, JUST THE TWO OF US ! It will be like a date night.

As soon as I posted my disgust at the lack of follow up from the removal’s companies they all rang back. (I had to eat my words!) I have had the 1st visits today, two more on Friday and the last on Monday.

I did not have much success at the Doctors (a few complications), so he has granted half my secret wish; I will be having day surgery on Tuesday with a general anesthetic. As I am so healthy and well the doctor would not let me have an overnight “rest” stay in hospital. So I will only get the day there. The Dr has ordered GJ to pamper me on my return.

If you did manage to read my previous post before I deleted it, I am sorry; it was way too much information for the internet.

1 comment:

  1. I am just now checking in. Praying you through your surgery. Check in when you get a chance.


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