Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My new job

I have had a great first two days at my new volunteer job
(I work 4 mornings a week at the school to qualify for a fee reduction).
The school is very small, only 120 kids from nursery to grade 7.
I have spent most of my time in Chelsea's class, the grade 2/3 class.
The ethnic diversity is wonderful in the school. The kids are being exposed to so many different cultures which I feel is so important.
Phonics is an area where a lot of the kids from non English speaking background fall down in.
I helped out at the girls old school with the "Jolly Phonics" program over the last three years and am quite familiar with it.
So I am now the Phonics aide!
I get to do this program with small groups of ESOL kids 4 mornings a week. I think that this program is going to really benefit these children.

1 comment:

  1. The school is all taught in English and most of the children use English in the playground. A child has to have a very basic understanding of English to be able to enroll. Learning support is given to the kids to achieve this standard. I think most of the kids can speak English, but some have a problem with reading and writing in English. I am spending a bit of time with the most wonderful little boy from Papua New Guinea.


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