Thursday, January 04, 2007

quick, boring update

On Thursday night at 9.15pm J left, 5.5 days after he arrived.
I am still in shock that he was even here!!!!

I have spent the day scrubbing.
For example I was on my knees poking behind toilets with OLD toothbrushes.
I want to know why I am doing this for strangers who will be living in my home, when I don't do it that often for my own family.
I am going to have to reflect on this.

Our departure date has been pushed out, we will now be leaving around the 19th of Jan. We have to all fly to Sydney to get our passports stamped at the Indonesian Embassy.
Our work permits will come through next week.
When we arrive we will have to be fingerprinted,
I have never had that done before!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you & your family Jen :)

    Can hardly wait to see you here in Jakarta. Have a nice safe trip okay ;)


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!