Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Removalists are coming!

I might have to disconnect the modem today. I will be lost.
Removalists will be here in 2.5 hours. As it is only just 5 am I don’t mind wasting a few minutes on my blog

We had a great weekend full of packing and friends.

De and the girls came up for the weekend
Rohan and Deb came over for dinner on Sat
We had all the neighbors over for Sunday afternoon drinks on the deck
Ben has a fever and a runny nose…..perfect timing.
We have to fly to Sydney for the day on Friday to get our visas.

Here are the little darlings after an afternoon of swimming and playing. The five of them tried to watch a dvd in my bed, I think that they were snoring within a few minutes.

Poor little sick boy Ben. He had his rest out in the family room with the aircon on as it was stinkin hot yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, how're you doing? Did you arrive here in Jakarta? Have a nice safe trip okay.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!