Sunday, February 25, 2007

Jakarta 23-25th February 2007

Friday was a bit of a hectic day.....It is hard to get from one place to another and
still be able to drop the kids at school, pick up Ben at midday and be back for the girls at 2.10pm.

I bought a TV and fold out sofa chair for the security guards. We picked them up a water dispenser and water last week. It must boring to sit on the floor in the garage area of an empty home for 12 hours per day.

Ben having a nap on the guards temporary sofa bed

I was rather upset to find the house empty. The office is dealing with it so it does not happen again.

I was invited around to Mrs A house as she was hosting a showing of a Indonesian wares for two dealers.

We didn’t stay long, just enough time to spend a bit of GJ’s hard earned dollars… Luckily he likes what I bought ! We are lucky that just about always we have very similar tastes.

I saw lots of beautiful things.
There was a few pieces made from elephant ivory which at first I thought were great, but then it popped into my head that I didn’t now how the craftsman got the ivory or if Elephants were harmed. Maybe if no one bought these types of products less animals would be needlessly slaughtered.
I did by a set of 3 paper roll containers. These are made out of hollowed old bones which are then carved and have a wooden stopper. I also got these two little shelf runners which are very old. The highlight of my shopping mini spree was this gorgeous pair of husband and wife statues. They would be just over a meter tall and are carved from wood and have metal embellishment. Chelsea loves the lady as she has sparkling diamond earrings. I spent about
1 million RP or AU $149. These are supposed to be antiques, but I am under no allusions about how old/young these things are.

Bone paper holders and shelf runners

Husband and wife statues

We spent the day at our new house on Saturday while the curtains were being installed. The kids had a great time exploring and swimming. In the morning the owner sent around the controls for the A/C so (at last) we didn’t have to melt. The curtains look great, now we just need the furniture……
We ended the day at Amigos for dinner, Margaritas and dancing. After a hot day scrubbing and cleaning we gulped our way through the first jug of frozen strawberry Margaritas. GJ was brave and ordered another (my non-drinking husband has taken to slushy, strawberry margaritas in a big way!!!LOL). I soon had had enough and was ready to leave. Smoking is very, very popular in Indonesia and most restaurants are thick with it. The band had just started and the kids were having a ball and definitely did not want to go. We compromised and it worked out perfectly. I went downstairs and slowly drifted through the supermarket with its fresh clean a/c and musaz that I can sing along to. Shopping by yourself after a few margaritas is FANTASTIC; No children and a very relaxed frame of mind. GJ stayed with the kids while they danced up a storm. One of the songs we heard was a classic Neil Diamond song, sung in Country style with Indonesian accents. It was a very good.

GJ has headed off to Singapore this morning until Friday. We have the company car to our selves. The kids and are excited to have a week of sleep-ins this week. Instead of leaving at the usual 6.30 am we get to leave at 7.15 am… GJ will be home in time for my non mentionable birthday which is a week tomorrow. GJ is going to look in Singapore for a small digital camera for my handbag. I see so many amazing sights every day I want something small enough to carry always.

We went to check out the Ranch Market supermarket today. This is a top end market full of imported products targeting the expat community. It is SUPER expensive, but oh it is full of goodies. For dinner tonight the kids and I are have a BBQ chicken, that looks, smells and tasted like one from Brisbane. I have a fresh, mixed tossed salad with my favourite Paul Newmans dressing… I have also found a potato masher so the kids can have mashed potato and steamed carrots. This sounds like a fantastic dinner to remind us of home.

TIP: bring your own Potato masher from home, they are almost as hard to find as pre wash stain remover ( which I have managed to find at the hardware shop of all places)

I have tried a new brand of bread. The bread here is awful, it is very yellow and sweet. I think they add sugar and corn syrup to it. It is similar to the American version but sweeter. We all miss our local baker from home. He was a Vietnamese baker and made the most superb bread. Hopefully this brand will be better…..

Ben and Georgia swimming

Foyer blinds

Lounge sheers with lining pulled

Ben's bed made lovingly by housekeeping

I have been working on this post all day in little spurts. I won't be able to finish the story as Chelsea and I have just come down with the most awful stomach bug or food poisoning......
I don't remember ever feeling this ill.


  1. Anonymous5:56 pm

    If you live anywhere near Pondok Indah area, I know an expat who makes very nice bread. Rp12000 for a loaf of delicious multigrain bread. Mrs. Wiley lives in Pondok Indah, her number is 7654476 if you'd like to give it a try :)

  2. Hi jenny,

    if you miss sandwiches I would recommend Daily Bread - they do great brown rolls with tuna - and the bread is not sweet!


  3. yup, second indcoup, daily bread's great.

    smoked beef...


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