Sunday, February 11, 2007

Just a few purchases....

This is the first purchase for our new home. This is a symbolic husband and wife mask in a black wood.
Apparently if you are married and you hang it, it means that you will stay together forever, or if you are single, it will attract your perfect partner. A win-win situation.

This is a selection of our new DVD's. Some are legit copies and lets not discuss the others.( I blame Jakartass, my blog buddy, for putting the idea of counterfeit copies into my head, LOL)


  1. Anonymous12:21 pm

    Hi, Jenny! Hope Jakarta treats you and your family well :) We're in the same city now, eh! Take care :)

  2. Hey, don't blame me Jen.

    If the prices of legit DVDs (and CD-Roms etc) matched local purchasing power, there wouldn't be so much pirating. Rather than the quality lottery that is the present system, I'd much prefer to have good products. If they can give away DVDs of films free with UK Sunday papers, it's obvious that there are massive price markups being made.

    That said, there is an amazing range of films isn't there? Enjoy.

  3. I absolutely LOVE the masks; they are simply amazing!! I'm sure you're going to find many prizes during this adventure. I can't wait to see what else you acquire!

  4. just finished Heroes too!! looking for the rest of the season now.


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