Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I received an email late yesterday from the Indonesia partner of our removalists. The Australian branch have managed to make a major error in the documents resulting in a need for a huge amount of paper work and confusion at this end as well as a FULL customs search of our entire container.

Insert a tirade of swear words if you are inclined.....

I had noticed while the company was packing that all the documents were in my name. I thought that by the third round of emails and invoices that they had got it right; as per my repeated requests to put everything in GJ's name.

Unfortunately I was wrong.....(idiots)

GJ is the person with the work visa, I only have a trailing spouse visa and as such can't receive the goods.

This is what I need:- (of course the letter was sent to GJ only, as obviously I am not allowed to receive emails either LOL)

1. Your Wife's Original Passport
2. Your Original Passport
3. Copy of Matrimonial Certificate
4. Your Original Stay Permit (valid for 1 year)
5. Your Original Work Pemit (valid for 1 year)
6. Original Authorization Letter stated that you give authorization to your wife to receive the shipment from Australia to Jakarta, Indonesia.
7. Original Authorization Letter from Mrs. Jenny XXXXX to PT. Kotaisan Prima Transindo to do the customs clearance (FYI, we will prepare this letter and your wife will only sign on it).

And please be further informed that your shipment will be going through full customs inspection and examination during the clearance process. As such, please let us know if you wish to be present during the examination, so that we could arrange to get the permit from the seaport authority for you to enter the examination area. However, without the present of yourself during the examination is applicable

Do I go and get hit with bribes, or do I not attend and hope that I get everything back with out strangers hand prints over everything?

How long is this all going to take?

Everything else was going so smoothly, I suppose it is time for a little hiccup....

Luckily I have nothing in my container that I shouldn't have. They might get a bit funny with a years supply of children's panadol and runny nose medicine as well as a 2 years supply of tampons (not readily available in Asia).

I only bought a few food things, Vegemite (of course), Moccona coffee and GJ's favorite extra hot chili pasta sauce.

The thing I miss the most besides my clothes and shoes, is my washing machine and iron.
The hotels travel iron, with no steam, is useless compared with my wonderful, steamy Aussie one and as I have mentioned before the hotels washing machines suck and are super expensive.

In the eight weeks we have been living out of a single suitcase each , both girls have outgrown most of their clothes. I did a quick buying spree for them. Instead of the usual Target fashion, here we can afford Barbie and Osh Gosh originals! The were ecstatic to do a little fashion parade for GJ on Monday night. I picked up their school uniforms today, I don't think that they will want to parade those for Daddy!

They are such girls LOL

Dear Sarah (Gorgeous eldest niece)

( Hello equally gorgeous youngest niece and gorgeous only nephew)

With each outfit the girls would come out and say "Sarah would LOOVVEE this" oh, and the girls found the perfect red top that you apparently need!

Love you all, say hello to your parents!



  1. Sign, I am so sorry. That must be beyond frustrating!!! Tampoons and Vegemite what more could a girl want!! You are too funny.

    I hope it works out.

  2. PS thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Pretty much all the swelling is gone, and I am on the road to full recovery ;)) Still have a few stitches in my mouth that are supose disolve.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!