Thursday, April 19, 2007

15th Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 15th wedding Anniversary.
This day 15 years ago we were married in a beautiful old Church,

St Peter's Presbyterian Church
Blues Point Road, North Sydney

Last year GJ arranged a special dinner at the restaurant where we had our very first date. This year we are trying a Turkish restaurant that has been recommended to us.

I would never in my wildest dreams would of guessed that I would be spending my 15th wedding anniversary in Jakarta.

I wonder where we will be spending our 20th or 30th Anniversary?

Forgive the quality of our photo, my scanner is a bit off colour today!


  1. Anonymous7:16 pm

    Seeing this I think I have fallen in love all over again GJ

  2. Anonymous8:59 pm

    hey Aunty Jenny.

    Nice pictures. But where am I?


    You remember that cute little photo of me with my face covered in chocolate? And you holding me in your nice WHITE dress?


    Happy Anniversary!

    Luv Sarah

    xXx oOo

  3. What beautiful pictures. Happy Anniversay!!!

  4. Anonymous3:29 pm

    I was christened in that church how small the world is

  5. A little late...but a VERY happy anniversary to you!


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