Thursday, April 19, 2007

Beef Rendang

Ibu S, our housekeeper cooked us our first Indonesian meal.........

MS S is a great cook, but has cooked for huge groups everyday in the past and reckons she is cooked out! We have asked her to cook one night a week and have decided on Wednesdays. It will become our favourite night of the week I think.

We had Beef Rendang last night. It was bubbling and boiling away for hours yesterday, the house smelt DIVINE.
It tasted out of this world.
Of course the kids hated it....Chelsea and Ben ate the rice covered in Soy Sauce they found in the cupboard (they like it better than Tomato sauce/ketchup!!!!) and Georgia ate a piece of carrot and zucchini.......

I wonder if Ms S would like to cook 2 or maybe even 3 nights a week............Oh the joy!


  1. Anonymous3:37 pm

    Oh.. I miss Rendang. Eat Rendang with hot rice, with all it's souce cover the rice....hmm.. yummy

  2. Anonymous3:25 pm

    Oh how I love Rendang.


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