Saturday, April 14, 2007

Dom Perignon

We had a wonderful family Easter.

Good Friday is the only Easter public holiday here in Indonesia, which meant GJ had Janny and Tan Tan’s last day in Jakarta at home with us all (well all except the quick trip to Pondok Indah Mall we made for the last minute shopping LOL).
We spent the afternoon snacking and chatting in the lounge room about how great a time we have all had here together in Jakarta.
Jan and Tan are going to try and come back for Christmas.
To celebrate we opened my first ever bottle of Dom Pérignon. GJ had picked a bottle up as part of my Birthday presents when he was in Singapore.
My verdict – spectacular. It was great to be able to share it with my mum and sister but I would have also liked to be able to share it with my special champagne friend Robbie!
As I re-read this sentence I realize that there are many more special friends I would like to share with (De, Fi, Trina, Alicia and Deb W to name a few), GJ had better buy a case next time LOL
In Brisbane, Easter has always been a time for family get-togethers. Over the years we have developed a ritual of a seafood smorgasbord on our deck overlooking the pool with GJ’s family and a few special friends.
We received a lovely message from GJ’s sister letting us know that they were heading off to the fish markets for Sunday lunch with a big ‘I miss you”.
We had been invited to GJ’s boss’s house for a BBQ lunch. It was a wonderful substitute.
Mr. K, a Dane, is the CEO and his wife Mrs. A (my mentor in Indonesia) is from the Philippines, the Sales manager is also Danish and is married to a Taiwanese lady and then the Service manager--AKA GJ (and us) are Australian. We had a very eclectic mix for lunch and before we realized it is was nearly 7pm. The kids had a great time and were very sorry to leave.

We had a wonderful family Easter.

The Easter Bunny comes to Jakarta

Very unglamourous shot, but oh well!
Janny with her new photo album and a glass of Dom.
Janny is not used to looking at photos on the computer, she still prefers the an old fashion photo. On our last day in Jakarta Tan and I ordered a pile of photos and put then in an album, labeled. We thought that we were supremely organised, not many people travel home from a holiday their photos done. LOL The girls in the new outfits to go out for Easter Sunday lunch.
Ben, as tidy as a little boy can be

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