Tuesday, April 24, 2007

MySpace, Skype.

I have embraced new technology at my niece and nephews request...
I now have a My Space account, same name as everything else....jenjenqld.

If only it came with instructions........

At least now I can see their blogs and photos.
Did you know that MySpace puts your age on the page.........I had to take a creative option on my year of birth.

I have also downloaded skype; I also need lessons, a microphone and web cam for this new venture.

I have had today off as Ben has a cold and diarrhea....a three year old with body fluid issues is not wanted at kindy.

He is having his rest now in raptures as when he wakes up Mr Yadi will have bought him two big bags of sand for his new giant sand bucket and I will have filled up his giant water play bucket.
This is the most FANTASTIC thing for a three year old boy besides sitting on the guards motor bike and beeping its horn.

Here are Bens new giant buckets. He has decided that red is for water and blue is for sand. Mr S is currently washing the sand before play time starts, I think that this is very prudent considering where we live. Ben has gone through the kitchen and selected the best of all my things for use. I will be able to drag the sand in each night to keep out all the cats, and the water can be emptied to keep out Dengue Fever infected mosquitos.

We have a nice new guard this week. My busy-body, pushy, moody guard pulled his last stunt last week. When he again left his Kris/knife (not a butter knife, a fighting knife!!!!!!)on a low coffee table in the garage. This is the same place that Ben and his friend Indry play in. The girls hated that he would come round and stare at them in the pool and I hated him being constantly late....
I didn't realise that he upset every one as the whole house hold cheered when they found out he was to be reassigned. GJ's company pays for a team of three security guards working on a roster at our home. With the five of us, and depending on the time, up to five other people in our home it is important to have every one happy. Calm has been restored.

There is one downside though.....The ex guards wife works at my favourite hair salon, GJ is teasing me that if I go back I will come out bald with a fungus infection.....

GJ has jetted off again, this time to Surabaya (lucky bugger) and in two weeks he is off to Thailand (lucky bugger!!!!!!).

We had the most exciting storm yesterday. It was such torrential rain, you could not see in front of you at all. The sky was black and green and the walls and windows were shaking with every enormous thunder clap. There was so much water across the school car park that we waded up over our ankles. It is not a low lying area at all, its just the rain could not move any where quick enough. The water was refreshingly cool. These mega storms always seem to reach their peak just as the school bell rings and I have to get the girls LOL.
The river near our road rose at least 3 feet inside 10 minutes, which unfortunately meant that Mr Yadi's home got wet. He assures me that it is OK as it was only a little flooded, for a little time and his wife got home in time to move everything!

I can now hear thunder in the distance, another storm is coming. I wish I could send it over to Australia....Jakarta has flooding and Australia is in severe drought.

Here is my little man as Spider man....
He doesn't like the mask over his mouth so we roll it up and get this cute look.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:41 pm

    I can really relate to downpours just as school lets out - where I live in Australia it always seems to do the same in winter!!

    Love your blog - an old friend


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