Monday, April 09, 2007

"Surabaya Street is the most famous flea market in Indonesia's capital"

This is Tan Tan in the midst of creme bath heaven..
You can see me reflected in the mirror taking the shot,
Janny is just to the left out of view.

Janny and Tan Tans first day in Jakarta was bliss. Janny had a very stiff, sore neck from the flight/late night and was delighted to find out that their very first activity in Jakarta was a crème bath, with a last minute add on of a manicure and pedicure.
This set the tone for a fantastic holiday in Jakarta.
On the first two days in Jakarta we couldn't venture far afield as we were governed by school collections. The kids need to be at school by 7.30am, Ben needs to be collected at noon and the girls at 2.10pm, and the driver needs to head back to the office by 4.30pm to collect GJ.
After our crème bath we fitted in a visit to Plaza Kemang for the best chicken rolls in Jakarta; we have discovered the Daily Bread chain, the best bread in Jakarta (thanks to Indcoup and Treespotters comments)!
Tan also had her 1st of many trips to the DVD shop (7000RP or $1. each).

On the 2nd day we dropped the kids off at school and took GJ to the office. GJ’s office is on the edge of the central Business district. After a quick office tour we were off on a drive through the city. After much ohhing and ahhing our driver stopped at the antique street market on JL Surabaya. I had not heard of this place before and was so pleased that Yadi found it for us.
Janny and Tan were amazed at the goods for sale, but also got the experience of walking along streets in Jakarta and the stares of the locals. Tan and Janny were aghast at the pollution in the river that ran behind the market especially after I mentioned that it was probably full of raw sewerage…….
We tried our hand at bargaining (we probably paid way too much…...) and were very happy with the price we paid for two small bronze reclining Buddha’s.
At the far end of the street are the luggage, handbags and mens shoes markets. Tan was very taken with the entire designer luggage ranges; I think she could picture herself striding through the airport with an entire set of Louis Vuitton luggage.

Some of the items for sale were:-

Chandeliers being made on the foot path
Wood carvings and statues
Brass, bronze things
Wooden musical instruments
Antique boating and navigational equipment
And many more interesting curios.
This street will be definitely on my list of places to take visitors to, as well as my on my regular shopping schedule.

Puppets for sale

I think that this is oil recycling ?

Louis Vuitton or Burrberry?

" Sampat", garbage collection man

wooden masks and carving stall

Chandelier construction and brass polishing on the footpath

More Indonesian puppets

Tan Tan and craftsman

Tan Tan in side street stall

Here I am trying to bargain...LOL

Tan and the filthy water way

This was the cutest Brass Rhino

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am successfully jealous!!! And oh how I drooled on this computer for the luggage!!!!


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