Sunday, May 20, 2007

Tuesday 15th May

Ben is a sick little boy. The cold he had last week turned into a chest infection which has knocked him around. He is coughing heavily which in turn makes him vomit. The doctor has prescribed antibiotics and expectorant to help loosen up his lungs. This means he is coughing more, but hopefully more productively. He is not impressed with the doctor, he expected to be cured as soon as he left the building and wants to know why he is still coughing………

Friday 18th May

Ben is much improved but still coughing….I am so lucky to have a doctor in training as one of our security guards. Indra has completed his paramedic training and half way through his pharmacy training and then will continue onto his doctor’s degree. He spends most of his time studying while he is on duty. Our staff all ask his advice on medical issues and today I did too. I have just realized that I have been overdosing Ben with his antibiotics, instead of one dose a day; I have been giving him three. Indra checked it all out and reassured me that Ben is fine.
We are back to the doctors on Saturday for all of us to have the last of the Jakarta immunization injections.
I am off to the surgeons on Monday night to have another skin cancer/growth thingy cut out off my chest. I have always been so carefully about applying sunscreen to my face but forgot all about the areas exposed around clothes on my shoulders, neck and décolletage during my twenties. It is pay back time. I had my first thingy cut out last year and now have another to be cut out.
I am making sure that the kids don’t make this same mistake; they are so well trained in applying sunscreen everyday and wearing hats. Chelsea in particular is SO fair. She is covered in sunscreen everyday before she is dressed so I don’t miss any spots.

Sun 20th May

The visit to the doctors went well on Sat. Ben didn't get his needles as he still has a little cough. At the end of the visit the doctor realised that Chelsea was only needed one of the Hepatitis shots not both that she had been injected with, the Dr assures me that it is all OK. We all had a laugh in the car when I realised that my band aide covered a freckle, not the injection hole.
We are all back to the clinic on Monday for the kids dental checkup and then GJ and I both have appointments with the surgeon for sun spot removals. I will have spent over a $1000 dollars at the clinic with in one week. Now I just have to work out how to claim from our company's insurance provider.

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