Sunday, June 03, 2007

Hari Raya Waisak,Buddha's birth, enlightenment and demise

Friday was a public holiday in Jakarta to celebrate Buddha's birth, enlightenment and demise.
We had a lovely morning play date with some friends and a little shopping in the afternoon.

Ben has become very attached to our driver Pak Yadi. Ben would rather wait with Yadi than come in to shops with me etc. Often I come back to the car and find it locked and the two of them off exploring (usually fountains!!!!).
On Friday night he asked to go home with Yadi and was devastated that he couldn't and that Yadi had to leave. A big crying fit was produced to show his displeasure. Ben climbed on to Yadi's lap and held on to his hand hoping that this would stop him leaving.

The next photo is how I found Georgia watching TV......she assured me that it was very comfortable!

The last photo is of Chelse and Ben asleep. Ben has spent the last week in the girls room and this morning this is how I found the two of them entwined, with Ben's beloved puppy in between.
Chelsea' s gorgeous big choppy cheeks are resting on Ben's arm.

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