Thursday, July 19, 2007

Drive from Semarang to Bandung, Indonesia

This is just a few of the interesting things we saw on our big drive from Semarang to Bandung. Although it is only approx 370 km (200miles) between these two cities it took us almost 10 hours to drive there. This was the last weekend before Indonesian school holidays finished and I think every truck that was in the vicinity decided to travel this route as well.
We followed the coast west of Semarang until Cirebon and then we headed inland (south) towards Bandung. We had to climb up a mountain range, a very busy mountain range, a mountain range with an endless supply of kamikaze truck and bus drivers.
The scenery was breath taking, which is just as well as if you watched what was happening on the road you would turn into a blubbery mess.......

GJ had his first go of driving in nearly seven months. I think our driver, Yadi was very shocked when GJ told him to move over. I love the photo of Yadi in the front holding a map....Yadi doesn't read maps- ever, his way is to stop and ask for directions.
Ben was having a great nap, but his poor little head was being jolted around so we kept propping/wedging his head up with soft toys.


  1. Sweet pictures, and the grass is sooo green!!

  2. Now we know what a good holiday is about, loved these insights and photos, thanks.


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