Monday, July 23, 2007

Size is not everything!

Australian Bliss...our front yard at home.
Jakarta Bliss... our Jakarta backyard

6000 square metres of gently rolling hillside in Australia, 15km from the CBD is wonderful........but with little kids it is not that easy to supervise.

Here in Jakarta we have an average 850square metres fully fenced block in which the kids can run wild.
At this age the kids prefer here!
This is Ben on the weekend helping Samino mow (they don't use power lawn mowers here, it is all rotary types). All the staff were watching Ben mow, but all thought I was a bit strange when I ran out shouting " shoes, put boots on him, SHOES".
This is Chelsea in her school uniform playing in the mud.......
Poor old Georgia was inside doing her homework...she did get to join in when it was time to wash off the mud in the pool.

1 comment:

  1. It was so fun comparing your two homes. And isn't it funny that sometimes kids prefer the small size? =) Too fun!


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