Thursday, August 09, 2007

Jakarta Earthquake

Edit: Earthquake update for Wednesday 12th September 2007 here

GJ has just rung (he is away again, Surabaya this time) to check that we are all right.
GJ heard about the HUGE earthquake that struck Jakarta at midnight and was worried.
We are all fine as is the house, we actually slept through it.......

I will find out more today.
One mum from school lives in on the 26th floor of an apartment in the city another friend lives up high as well.
So far it is reported that there is no casualties.

Added 9.20am

There was only two of us mums at school that slept through the quake, both of us had a wine with dinner.......
The family that lives on the 26th floor in the city had a great story to tell. The beds were moving, drawers opening and closing, cupboards shaking and J had trouble standing.
The teachers apartments are about 150 m from us and they all woke with the beds shaking.
I can not believe we slept through it all.
Georgia is now claiming to have felt it; she did climb into my bed around midnight so maybe something did disturb her.
I have yet to hear on any casualties, I hope that this will stay the case. Indonesia has had more than its fair share of disasters.

Don't worry about me mentioning when GJ is away in real time, we have the guards as well as our lovely staff with us.

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