Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Kumon and after school activities in Jakarta

GJ and I came out to the garage this morning to find Georgie entertaining all the staff and neighbours.
Georgie had GJ's glasses on and was bopping around driving the stationary car!
The school has just started its term three after school activities (ASA's).
Some new options have been added; Drama, Cooking, Bahasa Indonesian lessons (only year 4 and above do BI lessons weekly), Golf and Modern Dance as well as the old favourites of Ballet, Tae kwondo, Computer, Tennis, Sport, Mad Science, Craft, Art, Piano etc.
Georgie is trying out Drama and Cooking as well as her favourite Mad Science.
Chelsea is sticking with Ballet , Piano and Mad Science.
The girls have also both started Kumon, with twice weekly lessons and DAILY homework.
Kumon is a world wide maths tutoring program, developed by Toru Kumon a Japanese mathematician in 1954.
We have had to put up a white board in the kitchen to keep up with the kids schedules!
I was dragged from every ASA known to man while growing up AND HATED EVERY MINUTE!
I was determined never to make my kids do any activity unless they wanted to; well except for the maths tutoring because they really need that! And here they are doing all this, at least it is all at one place and at the same time so there is no ferrying involved.
They love all these activities and wish there was more days in the week in which to do more!


  1. Oh my, it sounds like your girls have their hands full. =) How fun! I loved that picture, she is just too cute.

  2. I was wondering--are there Kumon centers that provide instruction in English? We may be transplanting to Jakarta to reunite with my wife's family soon, but would like our 6-year old son continue to perfect his English skills.



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