Sunday, August 19, 2007

Tujuh belas Agustus, Indonesian Independence day

We had a lovely, quite Independence day.

GJ left at 4 am for Thailand.

Sarinah decided to stay and swap the holiday for Saturday and Sunday off. The poor old guards worked though, they never get days off (but they do get overtime).
Our local festivities kicked off at about 7pm about two to three blocks away. The kids and I walked down to have a quick look. The first thing was a group of young girls doing a wonderful dance. I got it on a small video but as the Internet is being very VERY patchy I have no chance of uploading it.

We didn't stay long, as although every one was very welcoming, Georgie felt a bit uncomfortable as we were the only westerners there. I must admit that we did attract a few startled looks-me and the kids walking through a dimly lit kampong.....The fireworks weren't scheduled to start until 8.30pm which we decided to watch from home, another advantage of living at the top of a hill. The girls didn't make it..too tired from the previous nights sleepover.

Our street looked great, the RT and helpers had hung all the new flags. A team of people had come through a few weeks ago requesting donations for the festivities. My neighbor helped me verify the request and suggested a suitable donation (200 000RP).

It was wonderful driving through the streets on the last few weeks; seeing all the houses, businesses and streets decorated in Red and White. You don't often see this type of national pride in Australia.

We bought these flags from one of the many roadside vendors. They have ties that make it easy to attach to a piece of bamboo.

Our street was festooned with these flags.

Our neighbourhood night time walk.

1 comment:

  1. The top of a hill is a great place to watch fireworks. Hard for small kids to stay up that late though.


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