Thursday, September 06, 2007

abject misery

This is a shot of a little girl, so excited about going on her very first school camp.
Georgia was off to an adventure park in Bogor, she has had her bag packed for days.
Unfortunately she has also had a very bad cough for nearly two weeks. When she could not finish her breakfast due to repeated coughing fits the really tough decision was made.
resulting in this face...

It would not be fair to Georgia to show the other photos or videos of the ensuring one hour.
I am sure most could guess the depths of despair that a 8yr old girl (to be a GROUP LEADER @ camp) would endure and how loud and physical the tantrum would be......
Georgia will be sharing my 2nd story prison for the next two days.........
I hope we both come out alive.

1 comment:

I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!