Thursday, October 18, 2007

Bens Singapore birthday party.

We had a little party at our apartment for Ben's Birthday.....he had a great time.

The apartment is really modern, Ben's room has two glass walls overlooking the lounge dinning area. The kids thought it was hilarious to put on a show for us, we thought it was great as the room was soundproof......

I am just pleased that I don't have to clean the glass...


  1. I was wondering about that glass thing. Kids and large windows make for another thing to clean. Sounds like they had a great time at it :-)

  2. Happy belated birthday to Ben! It looks like his day was special indeed!

  3. Uhm.

    You actually got to hang out with the elusive Ace? GIRL! He's my future husband. NOT COOL.

    I only have a few photos of him....mostly photos where he's uhm, let's say, busy with other people. HAR :)


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