Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween 2007

This is my Halloween capsicum! I wasn't ready to attempt pumpkin, maybe next year.It has a tea light in it and it graced our table every night!

The girls have so been looking forward to Halloween. It is not a big thing in Brisbane Australia.
Here in Jakarta some of the shops in Kemang have had a good selection of decorations and costumes. Kem Chicks even had a man in the car park carving your bought pumpkins.

Wednesday was a Halloween fancy dress day for school. The kids were running around having a ball.l Unfortunately only one other teacher dressed up. I was Miss Jen, vampire queen.

Georgia still managed to do morning exercises dressed up as a witch! The school is making the year book at the moment, I think all the class Halloween photos should make it some great shots.

We didn't get to do anything in the evening, Ben and I have succumbed to the tummy bug going around.........we have spent the last day and night tag teaming the bed and bathroom.
Hope it will pass soon as we have another big weekend planed!

Our first lot of Halloween decorations.


  1. It looks like a great time was had by all! I love the costumes! And Jen, I know I've said it before but wow! You have such beautiful children. =)

  2. You are tooo cute, I have been looking at all your pictures (birthday, etc...) great camera. Sorry I have not been over here more, but you are in my thoughts my friend.


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