Thursday, November 01, 2007

Weekend re-count.....Saturday

I laughed at this title...this is my Monday theme for this term with my ESOL students.
We discuss our weekends and then I help them write it into sentences. A lot of the kids know all the words but are unable to write correct sentences (ie correct tense, structure, pronouns, using adjectives etc).
So here is my version


I arranged for Mrs A's antique dealers friend to come to the house for a showing for a few friends. Pak A is from Surabaya St and has a great selection of batiks from around the archipelago. (If you want his contact details just email me)
We had a great few hours oohing and aahing over some beautiful fabrics and objects.

Later on the families joined us for a party, and this is when I found out our homes new nickname-

The Chocolate house.

Our chocolate fountain is so popular and memorable that it has named our house LOL
One of the kids when they found out they were coming to our house said oh, the chocolate house!

The nine kids play so well together, no fights!!!! so out came the chocolate fountain.

This time we were clever, all the adults had a quick dip in the fountain before the hoards descended.

Our fountain was a Christmas gift from Aunty Tan has been a very much loved present, one that I would heartily recommend.

This is my new Jamu lady statue......GJ thought that the dealer had forgotten her for a while...until he checked his wallet.... This statue is about 1.2m high and we are calling her granny Jamu. A Jamu lady is a lady trained in traditional herbal remedies that travels around
neighbor hoods dispensing cures. We often see a lady on our way to school.

After quite a few wines we did have to put a blindfold over her eyes as she was staring at some of us!

1 comment:

  1. Loved the Jamu lady and those fabrics , terrific.


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