Monday, November 26, 2007

Why I haven't posted so much

I have been getting a few emails lately telling me to hurry up and post some adventures.
I do have lots to tell but have been sick....oh wait until you hear what with....soon !

But with being sick I have been cranky and crotchety.......really cranky!
I seem to have lost some tolerance .
The traffic in Jakarta has been driving me ready to scream like a banshee. I have also had a few service related incidents here that have driven me crazy with frustration.

I don't want to let a few annoyances make it on to the world stage and give out the wrong impression. So I am falling back on the old saying...

If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing!

Next post will be about what Georgia and I have been diagnosed is a beauty!


  1. I've put up two posts about physical violence this past week. It's probably the heat and the aborted rainy season, Jen.


  2. Sometimes screaming makes me feel better =)) BIG HUGS!!!

  3. Yeah, that don't say anything if nothing nice has hit me too.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!