Sunday, December 16, 2007

A big, HUGE night out in Jakarta

I had heaps of sentences planed for this post......
for starters...... what a fun family night at Amigos and how it developed into an all nighter......

BUT as I type GJ, ACE, JP and Tan and now CJ are off for another all nighter..............

Yes this this is the elusive Ace T
...having fun with my sister and my friend Jo

This is at 6am when they have arrived home and after I have grounded them.........

GJ was slightly tired.....
I did not let Tan tan sleep...we had to pick up CJ from the airport ( I didn't know what he looked like) so absolutely no sleep for her.

Here is Tan Tan and Janny at Tamman Anggrek after a quick shopping trip before getting to airport. Tan completely missed a nights sleep.

As I type this they have all just head out again for another night on the town.....they do have to be home by 3.30am as we have an early start for our Borobudur adventure....

I have the flu now...yes typhoid was not enough, we need to add the flu as well......

We are off to Jogjakarta tomorrow at an VERY early hour then we will be back...I am sure we will have LOTS of photos.

I am SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sick, this is so hard to type.

Please read this now...I am sure I will come back from Jogjakarta and be mortified by my spelling and grammar mistakes and delete this post,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


  1. :-(

    Get well soon Jen.

  2. I am so sorry you are sick and missing out on the all nighters...last all nighter I had was in college. Guess I am too old to stay up all night, ha!

  3. I am totally exhausted just reading this...


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!