Friday, January 25, 2008

Choosing paint colours for girls rooms

The girls got these wonderful decorative mosquito nets in Bali.
Georgia has the purple and Chelsea the turquoise.
Ben didn't get one, but now (of course) is devastated and wants an orange one! Next trip.
The girls furniture is all stark white as is all their bed linen. The room has soaring ceilings and is full of light.

These are the 4 possible wall colours they are deciding on.....

The girls have chosen purple, turquoise and lime,and are still deciding on the fourth colour.
It will be either yellow, orange or a cherry red.

MMMM I wonder what it will end up like LOL

If it was mine......words couldn't describe it. But to a nine and seven year old WOW, better than Hannah Montana's bedroom!

Ben has chosen Thomas the tank engine bright blue and orange.........


  1. Anonymous10:42 am

    Well you have picked some bright colours.I reckon Georgia should have lime walls and Chelsea should go the yellow walls.

  2. The girls share a huge room...and are going with 4 colours in their colour for each wall!
    It will blow your eyes out of their sockets!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They did want to know if uncle Ronnie was going to come and paint it for them!
    Semi gloss wall and trim paint 3.67l for $24....much cheaper than Bunnings!


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