Sunday, January 13, 2008

My new best friend, The Ritz Carlton Jakarta

I might of mentioned before how much we like to meet our friends for brunch at the Ritz Carlton in Jakarta.
We had another lovely brunch about a week ago and guess what, the Ritz Carlton likes me too!
I met some lovely managers and received a lovely bottle of French champagne to have with Brunch.

What a lovely way to celebrate the first Sunday of 2008!

I hope there will be many more Sunday brunches this year!


  1. Anonymous4:40 am

    Perhaps you will.

  2. Just looking at the pictures makes me hungry.

  3. Every time you write about the Ritz, it makes me want to hop on a plane and join you for brunch. It sounds so divine!

  4. Managed to have Sunday brunch at Ritz before leaving back to Scotland about a few weeks a go. I still prefer 4 Seasons or Marriott though ;) (have you been there?). But was delighted to find jamu at Ritz, although I couldn't persuade my Caucasian friends to drink it...

  5. Anonymous12:16 pm

    I must say I do like the Ritz. Free flow wine.........anytime please.



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