Sunday, January 20, 2008

One year in Jakarta

Exactly one year ago today we moved to Jakarta, Indonesia.
Wow the time has gone fast.
This is what we lived out of for over two months.

Here we are just about to leave Brisbane airport.

We can't imagine coming home any time soon, this is a great adventure.


  1. Oh my lands, has it already been a year???? Really? Wow time flys.

  2. he he, congratulations!!

    i hope you're not going anywhere anytime soon, too.

    PS: should fix the Wii in Ratu Plaza. THen you'd have an extra one and you could hand it to me :D

  3. Wow. A year already.

  4. Anonymous5:05 pm

    Wow a year has gone,That has gone fast,it seems we were only at the airport saying goodbye.Oh well it wont be long till we see you all soon,catch up then (look out morgans )

  5. A year?! Seriously? Wow! Time sure has flown by.

  6. Hope you like Jakarta :)


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