Tuesday, April 22, 2008

16th wedding anniversary

Oh my goodness, we look so young!

We spent a lovely day cruising a mall on Saturday, just the two of us.......GJ bought more boogie boards for two upcoming trips to Sambolo and I found a new salon at the mall whose chairs vibrate at every point of contact.......(after a hard day of shopping, a bottom cheek massage is bliss).
Lunch was at my favourite, Pho, a Vietnamese outlet.
By the time the sun set the old man got grumpy and decided to watch sport on TV instead of going out , but my new glitzy cocktail dress changed his mind....well the fact that I managed to get it on super clearance for less than $20 in Australia did the trick!
GJ had his first visit to the Face bar followed by a scrumptious dinner at Lan Na Thai.
It was a wonderful evening!


  1. Congrats again. Birthdays, anniversaries, no shortage of food on that side, when are we invited again?!?

  2. Happy Anniversay! Here's to many many more!


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