Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brunch at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta

We had yet another wonderful brunch at the Ritz on Sunday.
I can not see any reason to go any where but the best (we did try here and it was a shocker!!!!!).
I think we might of outstayed our welcome...they turned the lights out on us (it was 5pm and they did close at 3.30pm.......). We are trying to fit in lots of functions with Shannon and Dave before they head off on their next overseas posting.
In every single photo, EVERY single person had a smile on their face!
(oh well except Prince Benny...see below)

As usual the kids loved the kids club......They even got to keep the balloons once it closed!

I had to put this collage of Prince Ben in.
We call him Prince because that is what he thinks he is....King of the world, aged four! I do so tire of his royal behaviour and love it when GJ catches it and swiftly brings him into line. This would have to be a major drawback of being an expat in Indonesia. Most people here are so nice to the kids that they can easily take it for granted and forget common courtesy.

Look at those choppy little cheeks!!!!!!! My bloggy friend, Heidi from Irish triplets was uncannily spot on with her comment on this post......He is the spitting image of GJ and he does like sneaking GJ's scotch LOL.

It was sorting out these photos that made me realise I had forgotten about the ball photos from the previous post.

I do have a little note to time champagne finishes.....don't get just one more round.....not if you want to stay awake after 7pm and go to school the next day and be a responsible educator.


  1. Anonymous10:01 am

    I had a smile when you spoke about grumpy on your anniversary. I heard this once. "In the mornings I wake up grumpy, but this morning I let him sleep" Hope this gives you a smile next time greg is grumpy. Adele

  2. WOW you made it until 7 o'clock?? I made home stumbled upstairs and promptly passed out. Such a good example I set for my kids.


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