Thursday, May 15, 2008


I am in the midst of packing for our next jaunt off to the wonderful Sambolo.

I still have a few highlights of our last trip to share.....

The local fish market.

About 10km south of Sambolo there is a fishing village with stalls selling all things seafood.
Now you can send the houseboy BUT it is much more fun to go yourself and choose your dinner (MUCH cheaper too). We walked along and poked and prodded fish until we found the perfect ones for us. Red snapper, prawns, calamari and little lobsters all done on the BBQ. The corn on the cob and roast potatoes were mighty fine too.
At the end of the street you could see the river where the fishing boats were all moored, they were very colourful. I would of spent more time looking but the local dump was right under my feet and the smell of a local dump of a sea side community is very fragrant. I think it burnt the inside of my nostrils!
Favorite shots
I took these next two photos at an impromptu celebration for friends of friends. I just love the atmosphere they convey.

GJ took his boards as well as the boogie boards. The swell wasn't enough for surfing but GJ gave it his best shot. The kids were all lining up for turns. We threw Bens life jacket in the car at the last minute and it proved to be a great idea! The surf was definitely up for this visit and he sometimes a little too brave with water. He and I got dumped by two big waves in a row and he was literally torn from my grasp. In his life jacket he just bobbed up and had lots of straps for me to grab.

What the bungalows and surrounds look like.

I feel like I am running a tourist site for Sambolo and the Ritz........we do tend to stick to good things when we find them LOL
The best on the beach, yet again.....I think the vendor that sells the fireworks LOVES it when we come. We had a bonfire too, but I don't think I would again...very stressful with so many kids running around.

Our explosives expert also whips up a really nice set of candle holders.........fascinating what a few glasses of bubbles makes me interested in taking many, MANY photos of.
We were all geared up for a Hawaiian themed party this weekend but the birthday girl has changed it to a soccer theme.......Hawaiian would be easy, but theme!!!!!!!!
If you know me RL you would be spluttering all over your screen about now.
I have come up with the answer....I am going to be a glamorous private school soccer mom!!!!!
A glass of champagne, a sun visor and a folding chair and I will be perfect for the fancy dress party!

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