Monday, June 02, 2008

Ben, a cat and a hamster....

The kids had a sleep over at a friends house on Saturday night.

This family has a pet kitten (nearly a cat) and a hamster. The hamster has an impressive two story cage-mansion. The cat is very curious about the hamster and looks lovingly at all the hamsters neat toys.

Ben thought that the cat wanted to play with the hamster so opened the hatch and let the cat into the hamsters cage....and then got distracted and left.

The mother of the house (moth) came downstairs at some horrendously early time on Sunday morning to find the cat thinking hard about how to go down a cage level to get the well as freaking out about being in a cage.

Luckily Moth came down just in time to rescue all.
All it took was a little tail pulling......

GJ, having a very, VERY strong aversion to rodents and cats asked Ben why he didn't drag the cage out to the pool and let the animals have a swim......

Wait till I tell GJ that the cat got into bed with a sleeping Ben and he snuggled him because a mean daddy decided not to let him take his puppy and blankie...

1 comment:

  1. LOLOLOL, i'll bring a snake around next time...


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