Tuesday, June 10, 2008

GJ got the drill out

I have had a few things framed over the last six months and GJ finally had time to get them all hung. Most of this is in our bedroom, I have run out of wall space downstairs.
The batiks are old, sourced from around Indonesia by my regular dealer Pak Anis.
Anis attends most of the ladies bazaars around town and can do a private showing if needed.
The little acrylics are from a street vendor in Jogjakarta, I think I paid 14 000Rp each, around $1.55. They are exquisite and quite textured.
The little shelf is from ibu Sabine and is just perfect next to my desk.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:59 am

    Oh how I wish I could go shopping there!!! The closest thing we have here in Nebraska (for that price especially!) is a crappy craft show where you can buy wooden sunflowers for $25!! I'm so jealous! What a riot of color it adds to a room! Awesome!



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